Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Living your best life? Not sure...try the following...

This weekend, a beautiful young woman—around 35-years-old, maybe younger—sat down to talk to me at a coaching event. She began, "I have a terminal disease and I am having a hard time wanting to get up and do things daily. Sometimes I think, 'why bother.'”

Clearly her diagnosis weighed heavily on her, inhibiting her and her spirit from thriving in the present. I asked her if she ever considered that her current state of health had a message to bring to her. With clarity and a vigor I had not yet seen from her, she replied,

"Yes, I now know what I want to do. I almost died in the hospital and believe the reason I survived that episode is to help others as a Medical Advocate. I REALLY want to do that--even if I do it for free!"

That was it. Her gift—discovering and embracing her purpose. Passion, excitement and a smile danced on her face as she told me about it. She went on, "I am currently an accountant and I am good at it. But it is not my passion." She always knew that her purpose was to serve others. Because of the illness, she gained clarity about how and in what capacity.

We continued our conversation. She knew that if she didn't live her purpose, her life would as she described it-- "a waste". When she connected with that truth, she came alive and tapped into her creative power. It was only then that she could indentify her next steps for making it happen, rather than seeing obstacles, as she always had in the past.

The truth—none of us knows when we will depart this world. Another truth—we all possess unique gifts and talents to share while we inhibit this world. What I know for sure is that when we don't live our purpose, our spirit dies. Then both us and the world suffer as a result.

Are you fully living your purpose? Not sure? Try the following:

Here's a question: If you were to die tomorrow, would your life have been a success? If not, why? Complete the sentence, "My life would not have been a success because..... (fill in the blank.)”

Now turn your sentence into a positive: "My life has been successful because I have ...." Imagine living your life’s purpose and what it would feel to reflect on your life, knowing you accomplished your purpose and lived your truth. Fabulous! Now decide what you can do to guarantee, not just hope, that you live purposefully and successfully by your own standards.

The angel who visited me this weekend inspired and reminded me that we all have one life to live, but if we live it purposefully, one life is enough!

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