Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Fabulous Friday. Don't You Want One, too?

I decided to ask myself a question last Friday. “Self?”, I asked, "what would make today a truly fabulous Friday?" My answer came to me—then, I deliberately chose to take action toward making it happen.

I think we resist doing things that would ultimately move us closer to our grand, fantastic selves because we aren't yet ready to experience our own, personal fabulousness. We're not comfortable with that level of success. Instead, we spend our time majoring in minor, mind-numbing minutiae, never laser-focused on our target. Yes, laundry, dishes and status reports all hold a spot in our days, but we muddle around in these details without putting energy toward our truest goals.

When we create movement toward our best days and make things happen, the most interesting thing occurs. We begin to believe we have the power to make things happen… and then we DO make things happen! A positive, self-fulfilling prophecy! This is when our dreams come true.

Let me be clear--what gives me the highest level of satisfaction varies from day to day. Relaxation on one day, relief from deadline pressure the next, or progress toward my big dream on still another. In order to create a fabulous day, I must be present and clear about what would make THIS day incredible. Ultimately, you have to converse with yourself about the important areas of your life, including your health, relationships, state of mind, career and dreams.

My Friday rocked when I deliberately chose what I wanted and took the first action to make it happen. I stopped, quieted the noise and wondered, "Which one of the things on my list--a project or an action--if I finished it, would give me the highest satisfaction and make today great?”

Question of the Day: What achievement would provide you with your greatest sense of accomplishment today, forcing you to say, with conviction, "Today was a great day!"?

May your day be filled with fabulousness,


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