Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just Get Started

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” Mark Twain

Yup. What Mark said. It’s brilliant and spot on. Movement begets movement, creating momentum. Start with the first step. Having trouble making the first step? Scale it down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. Key here is the word manageable—create actionable steps that don’t intimidate with their girth or magnitude.

Now you know the secret. Move everyday…and start living your dreams.

Break it down,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"Only a clear picture of where you are and where you want to go can help you prioritize what you need to do.…Clarity of vision creates clarity of priorities." John Maxwell (author, motivational speaker)

Recently I faced so many challenges, new decisions, interruptions and options that I became completely overwhelmed. Almost paralyzed. No one is immune from moments of blurry vision and fuzzy focus. These stealth saboteurs wreak havoc on the most seasoned among us. From corporate executives to stay-at-home mothers, we can all identify with these feelings. Clarity is the first thing to go when we are busy, stressed and being called to get it all done, right now. What to do when that happens?

Get clear. Refocus.

I knew why I felt as I did last week--I’d allowed the competing chaos to reprioritize my life. As a result, I misplaced my priorities. I felt confused, disorganized and even a bit incapable. Instead of continuing to mire in the mess of challenges, decisions and interruptions, I stopped. I refocused on my larger goals which allowed me to appropriately analyze and prioritize all the things that vied for my time.

Get clear and prioritize by answering these questions:

1. In 4-6 months, what do I desire to create or experience? (Where do you want to go—what do you want to accomplish?)

2. What seeds can I plant this month, this week, in the next 24 hours to get me there?

3. Whose help do I need to support my focus and direction? (Just asking for help is a mark of strength!)

Remember you don't have to see the entire staircase—you just need to see the next steps. By answering the above questions, you've got your steps. If you haven't yet been able to answer them: give yourself permission to step away to engage the questions from a new perspective. Or gain the support of a trusted mentor to help you see what you currently cannot. Remember, “clarity of vision creates clarity of priority”.

Sending peace,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Closed Door? Or Open Door?

Helen Keller said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens.” Unfortunately, most of us spend so much time talking about, grieving about, being angry about the closed door, that we use up all of our energy. Energy that could be siphoned toward fueling our dreams…and allowing us to see the open door with opportunities behind it.

If you’ve lost something lately, perhaps a job, your portfolio, a profitable client, change at the office, or even the ease of your primary relationship, you may be experiencing anxiety or grief. You may think, “I find it difficult to be positive when I’ve suffered this loss”. I believe that you must allow yourself to mourn and experience your feelings about that closed door. BUT (and this is a big but, so listen up): in order for you to be able to see the next opportunity, you must realize that your further response, and your outlook, will determine your future and ultimately your destiny.

So how do you move forward in challenging times and refocus on your dreams? Here are 8 steps to help you survive and shift your mindset:

1. Be thankful. Every day. Twice a day. Stop and recognize the gifts in your life. Celebrate your successes—especially when you’re current perspective is making it hard to find any.

2. Reflect. When things aren’t going the way you think they “should” go, don’t go down with them. Pause. Get grounded. Reflect. Clear your head and give yourself permission to accept the reality of what is happening. Then start working toward where you will go from here.

3. Be dutiful. Author and speaker Robert Schuler said, “By the yard is hard; by the inch, anything is a cinch.” When you are active, you gain momentum; you tend to see possibility and you make headway. Progress, no matter how small, is better than stagnation.

4. Be patient. Our society has little patience. We want everything now or yesterday. Your dreams are not “microwaveable.” Believing they “should” be only leads to self-criticism, doubt, anxiety, and every other feeling that works against you. Instead, be gentle and patient with yourself. Hold the vision of your dream, and it will arrive ‘on time.’ (And remember this: most “over-night” successes were years in the making.)

5. Be committed. Keep working at it. I often ask my clients this: “If you knew that your dream wouldn’t materialize until you were 90-years-old, would you still put forth the energy and fortitude to achieve it?” If they answer yes, I know they hold purpose and passion. Be committed; you must be willing to go from winning to failure to winning and failure and get up again and again. Hold to your vision and always remember why you are pursuing your dream.

6. Be open. Be open to new ways to serve. Be open to new ways to win. Be certain that there is an opportunity if you are looking for it, rather than remaining closed off to it.

7. Be willing to slow down. This allows you to see things from a different perspective (maybe there’s an open door that you’ve been whizzing by).

8. Keep growing. Remember you are your greatest investment. Commit to learning something new and expanding your mind and talents daily. Practice speaking up at a meeting, taking on a new role, signing up for a workshop or class. Read a magazine or listen to motivational CD to support you in your growth.

It is during the toughest of times that doors close. And it is during these same times that others are waiting to be opened. I’ve seen it consistently both personally and in my work with others: when you make the decision to keep your dream alive, unleash your personal power, and look for doors to open --- you will see opportunities abound. Keep your eyes open and your dream alive.

I can’t wait to see you shine,