Thursday, March 25, 2010


“He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.” Chinese Proverb

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been implementing new technology systems to better support my clients as well as myself. A daunting task for me, especially since I am a technology-challenged individual. I faced great uncertainty: “Should I make these changes? Am I making the right decisions? What if I get something wrong and nothing works?”

Have you ever thought that your next decision would decide the fate of the planet? It may not be realistic, but it certainly feels possible in the moment. This was one of those moments for me.

The change–every part of it—took me out of my comfort zone. When I made the final purchase and pushed the final button, my body shook with fear. I called a friend to talk me down from the ledge!

I thought to myself, “Woman, pull yourself together.” And then I took a leap. I felt the fear and…I did it anyway. The result: I now enjoy more productivity, efficiency and freedom!

The next step calls even when, especially when, we are uncertain of what will happen next. This uncertainty can create anxiety and fear, especially if you believe that decision or choice will affect your life indefinitely. Sometimes, we must release our inner control freak. We must stop deliberating and take action. We must dare to be wrong or rejected or look foolish, or make a mistake. We must embrace the risk.

A study of 75 90-year-olds showed that given another chance, they’d take more risks. The glory of knowing they at least tried far exceeds any regrets or angst over making the wrong decision. May we hear this wisdom and act on it while we can.

On the day I made my “big” decisions to move forward, I received this Chinese Proverb. A coincidence? I think not. The universe prodded me to stop hesitating, stop mulling over the decision and step into the next moment. I’m glad I listened.

Don’t ruminate and hesitate for one more day. I challenge you to get off your one-legged perch. Do something that stretches your comfort zone. If you’ve been deliberating on something for awhile, take the step. Prepare to be amazed by what lies ahead.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aretn't Your Dreams & Goals Worth 16 Minutes?

Yesterday started with the greatest of intentions. I intended to further my dream—to realize the launch of a new product for which I have so much passion. I sat down in my office, eager to continue my work on this product—I even had the time “blocked” to do it. I turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after addressing e-mails, being distracted by de-cluttering my office and two incoming calls, I was in the same place as when I turned on my computer! The many things and tasks around me clamored for my attention and I gave it—and lost my footing in the process.

With so many options and distractions in our world, it can be difficult to remain focused. Even when I know better!

I sat down in my office with a vague idea (but not a concrete idea) of what I wanted to accomplish. I have my lists. (And yes, these lists are usually on paper, because I am a dinosaur who still holds more faith in “inking it” than hitting “save” on the computer and sending it into the ethers.) Regardless of where you keep your list, the problem lies with the execution of your list. How can you stick to a plan when so many things threaten to derail it? How do you remain focused when there are so many things that must get done?

Having coached clients for over ten years and studying what the successful and consciously living do, I believe I have the answer.


Regular structure allows for planning, visioning, and deliberate action. With a ritual, you will drive your day rather than the details of the day driving you.

Your ritual needs to be the first thing that gets done no matter what. It need not be long, in fact, it shouldn’t be long--I believe it can be completed in just 16 minutes a day.

How? It all starts before you turn on your computer…

Step 1 (5 minutes) Plan your day. Begin with a blank piece of paper and write down what would make today a successful day in all ways. What can you realistically accomplish today that would make you feel successful and happy about your progress? Go ahead and write it down.

Place those items into time slots throughout the day, preferably doing the most difficult tasks earlier in the day when you are at your peak.

Step 2 (3 minutes) Visualize your day in advance. Visualization is a powerful tool. After Step 1, imagine yourself at the end of your day. Look back on it with great satisfaction and a smile on your face. Imagine yourself embodying all of the traits that you need to succeed; tenacity, preparedness, confidence, organized, calm. See your accomplishments—and enjoy your success. Feel and get comfortable with the results—notice how easy it was.

Step 3 (3 minutes) Mine for Gold. Ask your Higher Self or your intuitive mind for any additional information or answers to challenges. We always have more untapped information. Such intuitive insights are often lost because we don’t take the time to ask, trust and act on it when it comes. Ask any question, for example, “Who could help me complete that project on time?” or “What resources can I tap that I haven’t yet?” Write the insights that come to you and add into your day.

Step 4 (2 minutes) How do you feel? You create in direct proportion to how good you feel. Manage your state by speaking positively about yourself and your potential, making sure you support your body with whatever it needs--food, exercise, breathing, daylight, etc.

Step 5 (3 minutes) Gratitude and success. What five things are you grateful for? Name five areas in which you’ve succeeded. Write ‘em down. (If you don’t acknowledge yourself and give thanks for what you have, why would you expect to get more?)

Visit your list at least twice a day to remain clear and focused on your direction. Employing a daily ritual espouses confidence and results. After avidly planning your day, you’ll be less likely to entertain interruptions. Instead, you’ll easily address the distractions and stay on track.

Aren’t your dreams and goals worth 16 minutes of planning?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Before my second daughter was born, I thought I wanted two children. That would be magical. Then, after she arrived, I realized I’d been wrong. Anyone who knows me well knows that I wanted to add a third child to our family—in a big way! I then knew that indeed the number was three!

I was absolutely set on it--only in the way you can be when you desire something that is not necessarily entirely up to you. My vision: a third child. If God was willing, I was beyond willing. Just one small detail: I needed to make sure my husband signed on, too.

You see, as passionately as I desired a third, my husband was quite settled in our life with our two fabulous daughters. I knew I needed to set some strong intention. And that I did. I posted a picture of a small boy kissing his mom’s pregnant belly on my vision board. Talked about it incessantly with my closest friends. (Thank you, Lisa, for listening to what may have seemed like a one-way diatribe. I admit it often was.) I visualized him—yes, I felt strongly that a boy was meant to be here. Wrote about it. Talked about it some more. Felt it. I did it all.

My husband signed on.

And my vision materialized. Life blessed me a third time with my third child. A boy. James Cole Hyland joined us a year ago this week! I still squeal that I got him --against odds and the dictates of logic.

What I know for sure: crystal clear, laser-focused dreams, intentions and visions move mountains. What visions dance in your head?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Eight Steps to Manage Your Dream & Live It!

Do you have a great idea that continues to be...a just a great idea? Do you talk yourself out of it before you even begin? I spoke with a client last week who has a great idea for a new product. His product would allow him to initiate conversations with his desired, prospective clients. Even his current clients could use it! It is original and it excites him tremendously. He talks about it repeatedly. Still further, when I ask him what would make his year fabulous, he always answers, "I want to turn this idea into a real, living product!" Eureka! A dream that is waiting to be realized!

Ahh, but wait, after he passionately describes this fabulous product, he quickly launches into the reasons it is too much for him to begin. His biggest fear is that he will spend a lot of time planning, but never complete it or it doesn't succeed. Does this sound familiar to you?

What are your ideas? Dreams? Increasing your income with passive income products, finally clearing your debt, launching a business idea, bringing connection and passion back to your marriage, writing an article for a national publication, or well, taking your life to the most amazing level???

Why haven't you done it yet? What are your excuses? WHY do you allow your excuses to rule?

We remain stuck and mire in our negative monologues for many reasons. Money, time, lack of information and fear are the top four but the list is long. Every single person, EVERY ONE, experiences these fears! So what do the successful and fulfilled do when their fear and excuses try to dominate their world? How do they throttle themselves forward?

First, they expect to win. Even during the current economic downturn that impact most, these individuals expect to succeed and move toward their dreams. Second, these people act daily and deliberately to reach their dream. They seek the best strategies and create a plan to get there.

How do I know? Because these successes belong to my clients. One client just landed his dream job and makes 50% more than he did at his previous job (from which he was fired!). Another launched her own business and opened a store--right in the midst of the economic turbulence. Another expanded his sales by 120% in six months. Still another, a stay-at-home mom, started her out-of-the-home business and now supplements the family's income. She does what she loves and makes money doing it!

What's their secret? They focus on their goals instead obstacles and excuses. They parse their dreams into palatable bits and take daily steps, steadily and surely.

Is there an idea you've had--either one for your business, physical health, career change, or marriage--that still exists only in your head? When it pops into your thoughts do you kibosh it before you give it a chance? Do you talk yourself out it?

Follow my clients' lead; turn that dream into action and start seeing results. Start with these eight steps:

1. Remember your past successes. You've experienced far more success than you currently acknowledge. (Trust me, I know.)

2. Ink it--don't think it! Write down your dream! Don't let it swirl around in that head of yours. Give that dream a landing pad!

3. Define success. You cannot hit a target you cannot see.

4. Plan in 90-day chunks--this a time frame we can get our mindset around. Take 30-minutes to identify what you want to accomplish in the next 90-days. Then, break down your steps into smaller, doable chunks.

5. Every day answer, "What is my next step?" Remember, don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed...only focus on your next step.

6. Don't work alone. Partner up with someone who will hold you accountable. Statistics show we complete at least twice as much when we are held accountable.

7. Be certain of your success. Expect to win. Olympians are doing it in Canada as you read this. They rehearse winning in their mind over and over again. When they take their starting positions, they simply recreate what their mind already expects.

8. Take immediate action in the next 24-48 hours. Once you've identified your goal and created a plan, never leave a day without being one step closer to its realization.

What will you choose? Excuses and a limiting mindset? Or the realization of your dream? The power lies within you. The answers and wisdom which will fuel your dreams are right before you. Grab the momentum and make it happen!

All the Best,


Go to to get a copy of "Life Changes. Dreams Don't. The Ten Keys to Jumpstart Your Ideal Life--Now!"

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Living your best life? Not sure...try the following...

This weekend, a beautiful young woman—around 35-years-old, maybe younger—sat down to talk to me at a coaching event. She began, "I have a terminal disease and I am having a hard time wanting to get up and do things daily. Sometimes I think, 'why bother.'”

Clearly her diagnosis weighed heavily on her, inhibiting her and her spirit from thriving in the present. I asked her if she ever considered that her current state of health had a message to bring to her. With clarity and a vigor I had not yet seen from her, she replied,

"Yes, I now know what I want to do. I almost died in the hospital and believe the reason I survived that episode is to help others as a Medical Advocate. I REALLY want to do that--even if I do it for free!"

That was it. Her gift—discovering and embracing her purpose. Passion, excitement and a smile danced on her face as she told me about it. She went on, "I am currently an accountant and I am good at it. But it is not my passion." She always knew that her purpose was to serve others. Because of the illness, she gained clarity about how and in what capacity.

We continued our conversation. She knew that if she didn't live her purpose, her life would as she described it-- "a waste". When she connected with that truth, she came alive and tapped into her creative power. It was only then that she could indentify her next steps for making it happen, rather than seeing obstacles, as she always had in the past.

The truth—none of us knows when we will depart this world. Another truth—we all possess unique gifts and talents to share while we inhibit this world. What I know for sure is that when we don't live our purpose, our spirit dies. Then both us and the world suffer as a result.

Are you fully living your purpose? Not sure? Try the following:

Here's a question: If you were to die tomorrow, would your life have been a success? If not, why? Complete the sentence, "My life would not have been a success because..... (fill in the blank.)”

Now turn your sentence into a positive: "My life has been successful because I have ...." Imagine living your life’s purpose and what it would feel to reflect on your life, knowing you accomplished your purpose and lived your truth. Fabulous! Now decide what you can do to guarantee, not just hope, that you live purposefully and successfully by your own standards.

The angel who visited me this weekend inspired and reminded me that we all have one life to live, but if we live it purposefully, one life is enough!