Monday, April 19, 2010

What's Your Time Worth?

Last week I wrote about letting go. Well, it seems you, my audience, had a lot to say about letting go. It seems many of you know you need too, but find doing so scary and difficult. I get that. I was there too. Do you ever feel like…

you can’t stop thinking of work, even when you’re relaxing.

your mind is always racing and never seems to “shut down.”

you feel like you are drowning or suffocating.

you skip meals to fit in more.

your important relationships with spouse, friends, kids and family members are deteriorating?

If you answered “yes” to any of these then you may be suffering from an inability to let things go. These are the warning signs that you are working hard, but not smart, and that it is time to delegate and ask for help.

Let me explain it this way: what is your time worth? I recently coached a client who owns a large company. He insisted on editing his own communications because nobody could do it as well as he could…because “it’s just as easy for me to do it, because it’ll take too long to explain it to someone else” AND because “it costs too much to pay someone else to do it”. Yet, he complained that the editing took hours from his week and that he suspected that his 25% drop in sales correlated to his lack of dedication to his broader responsibilities.

His inability to let go caused him to suffer in big ways—both financially and personally. His life satisfaction was looooow.

We figured out that his hourly rate was $250. I asked him if he would pay an editor $250/hour. He said no. He saw the light—he realized he shouldn’t be doing the work. He decided to let go and delegate all work that wasn’t worth his hourly salary. He found a $40/hour editor and reduced his 12-hour day to 10 hours. And he found the time to take a mountain-biking trip with his son which is his true definition of real success!

But before you say, “well I don’t make $250/hour” and tune out, listen further. Perhaps you aren’t making any money—right now. Before you scoff at what I say, let me ask you this: what are you not doing or experiencing because you aren’t getting help? Are you missing out on an opportunity to make money because you spend your time doing things you could delegate or pay others to do?

Yesterday I met with my client, a mother of two small children and a home-based freelance writer. She discussed her utter frustration with her inability to do it all. Parent, work, clean, cook, play. Completely capable and highly functional (sometimes the worst combo when it comes to letting go), I asked her what she could delegate to others, maybe the house cleaning? She argued that spending money on a cleaning lady was a silly waste of money because she could do it herself. “Why pay someone else to do what I myself can do?” Even though her house being a mess was enough to make her stark-raving mad. And even though the current state of her home actually rendered her immobile, verging on depression.

She realized she wasn’t finishing an article (with a potential pay-out of almost $2,000) because she wasn’t willing to pay someone $20/hour to clean her house. When viewed in this light, she saw the error in her thinking.

I’ll never forget a client who was a successful 45-year-old male. He sat with me recalling that all he remembers his mother doing was cleaning—even when he asked her to play. He told me how much he resented that. Well that statement left me scared and willing to change my ways. I still wonder what my children will say about me 20 years from now. And then I ask …what else do I need to let go of? What do you?

Here’s how to start:

First, you need help in order to focus on the money-making aspects of your business. Second, when you insist on doing it all—just because you can—your life’s satisfaction and ultimate success are at risk.

Some thoughts and beliefs to support you in changing your ways:

Purchase opportunities and experiences versus things.

Let others do what they are good at, and you do what you are good at.

Trust that when you provide others opportunities, opportunities will come back to you.

Know there is a way to work and live smarter than the way you are now.

The best investment you can make is in YOU. You are your greatest asset. Act like it.

Ready to get started? Here are 6 user-friendly web sites that can simplify your outsourcing search.

For those of you still wrestling with spending the money on that which you can do for yourself: yesterday, a colleague of mine told me she hired a Virtual Assistant on one of these sites for $8.00 an hour. Still think it’s smarter to do it yourself?? My mission is to support you in turning your “ideal” life into your “Real life”—one day at a time. Let’s start today.

Let me know what things you choose to give up…I can’t wait to hear what you gain in return. Let’s celebrate together.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Insights--What's Holding You Back?

This past weekend I returned from a wonderful spring break with my three children. On my flight home, I sat in front of a very belligerent woman who refused to follow the direction of the flight attendant. Upon take-off he asked her to remove her purse from her lap and place it under the seat in front of her (a standard regulation request).

She immediately became indignant. She told the flight attendant he was harassing her, and aggressively argued that the purse was not big enough to warrant being put on the ground. Then she added that her father and grandfather had flown all types of airplanes and she herself had been flying since she was two weeks old. (What these last two points had to with our flight was clearly nothing. I did tell her this later in the flight.)

She begrudgingly slammed her purse under the seat in front of her--then immediately returned it to her lap once the flight attendant left. The flight attendant asked again. A lot of yelling ensued. She took it off. Put it back on. The flight attendant made the same request while preparing to land. This woman had clearly been living under a rock for the last nine years--who amongst us (especially seasoned travelers like this woman) isn't aware of airline safety regulations?

Her behavior truly amazed me--she seemed to fight reality. What struck me was how much energy she invested (and therefore wasted) on being negative. She could have chosen to spend her two hour flight in a more peaceful and productive state, but instead, she took herself and all those around her down with her negative one-way diatribe.

Once the plane landed and we came to the gate, we were asked to remain seated as four police officers stormed the plane and removed her from it. At that point we learned that she was a university professor flying with four students on their way to China. She wasn't uneducated--she was a chaperone! It was not for a lack of understanding that she wouldn't listen or abide by the rules. She allowed negativity to rule.

As we exited the aircraft, I saw the lady still fighting with the now eight law enforcement that surrounded her. I wanted to say, "Lady, let it go."

Which got me thinking. How many times have we all held onto things for too long? Thoughts that hold us back. Habits that limit us. Distractions that derail us. Negative people that drain us. Fear that paralyzes us and sabotages our performance and productivity.

We spend so much time and energy on things that don't matter that we don't focus on what does matter. We fill up on negative energy and then there's not room for positive energy to flow into our lives. And then, we scratch our heads, wondering why our lives continue on the same trajectory.

This week I encourage you to let go of something that holds you back. Let go of the mental clutter that prevents you from focusing on your priorities. Let go of the negativity, blame, and battle you wage with yourself or others. When you do, you'll make room for great thoughts, exciting opportunities, endless possibilities, and an infinite supply of joy that waits to fill you up. You just have to let go of the old junk to make room for the good stuff.

Now make it work for you:

1. Identify one toxic belief or habit in your life and choose to let it go.

2. What limiting or negative story do you keep replaying in your mind that you must let go of in order to move your dream and goals forward?

3. Identify two actions that you will take (within the next 24 hours!) to prove you are no longer holding onto your old ways.

Let it go. Let it go. Let. It. Go.

