Friday, January 1, 2010

Raise Your Standards & Achieve Real Results This Year!

Do you feel capable of more than you are experiencing? Do you find yourself making the same New Year's Resolutions year after year? Are you exhausted from trying to "make things happen" and longing for a life characterized by ease and flow?

If you are no longer willing to tolerate mediocrity then you know it is time to raise your standards.

How do you raise your standards? You change your "shoulds" to absolute 'musts.' Everyone has a list of "shoulds." In fact, I believe, 95% of all New Year's Resolutions are actually long lists of 'shoulds.' 'Shoulds' could also be called 'nice-to-do's,' that is, it would be nice if these things happen but they are not drop-dead 'musts.' 'Shoulds' carry no commitment and are ultimately why so few New Year's Resolutions get results.

"I should spend more time with my kids." "I should spend more time with a business plan." "I should lose some weight." People 'should' all over themselves. Instead, convert your 'shoulds' into 'musts' and everything changes.

I've seen this example so many times when people have no money, but then someone in their family gets ill, and then they find the means to generate the money to pay for the incredibly expensive medicine and treatments. Or an individual who has known they ought to lose weight finds out from the doctor that their current eating habits are causing a condition that will jeopardize their life expectancy. Suddenly, the 'should' becomes a 'must' and the 50 pounds of weight is dropped. The situation didn't change, but the individuals' standards did.

If you look at anyone who seems to have a superior life to yourself, I guarantee you it's because they have a higher standard in that particular area than you do. If you see someone who works out five times a week, it's not because they have more time than you have. It's because it is a must for them. They never miss. They identify with the standard and they live it every day. When you feel that you absolutely must get something done, you will find a way.

If you're serious about making this your best year ever, TODAY is the best time to start making it happen.

I've got an exercise for you and suggest you take some time to sit down with these questions...think about your answers...challenge yourself...write them down...then go to work!

1. What problem or seemingly overwhelming challenge did you conquer in the past year?

2. What is your greatest challenge or unsolved problem that exists in your life right now?

3. In what area of your personal or professional life would you consider yourself most improved?

4. And what area of your personal or professional life will you focus on this year?

5. What two decisions have you been putting off, that when you make them now, will change your life?

6. What actions would you take if these decisions were absolute 'musts.'

7. List three simple actions you can do immediately to be consistent with your two new decisions. Do them within the next 24 hours to gain the momentum to move forward immediately.

The time is now for many of us to raise our standards and achieve not only what we are capable of but that which fulfills us and provides us happiness as well. May this year be filled with growth and happiness for you!
